Criminal Law and advice at the police station

Police station matters.

Please remember that all persons who are arrested and questioned at the police station are entitled to independent legal advice which includes a solicitor attending the police station and being present at the interview. This includes attendances in the evenings or during the weekends. We have extensive experience of advising suspects accused of all manner of offences. Whatever the matter, we are confident that we can protect your rights and ensure that your legal position is best protected. If you have been arrested and wish us to represent you at the police station, then please contact us as soon as possible.

Please contact one of our offices for further information. 

Magistrates’ Court Matters / Crown Court matters

Our solicitors are extremely experienced in representing clients at the magistrates court.  Mr Kevin Williams and Mrs Janem Jones and Miss Gwenyth Richards undertake all varieties of cases and are committed to providing you with a professional and friendly service. If your case is committed to the crown court, then we will instruct an appropriate barrister to represent you at those hearings.

general info & inquiry

Please contact us for further details of our charges.
