Lasting Power of Attorney and General Power of Attorney
Lasting power of attorney
This is a real risk to us all that at some point in the future we will not be in a position to manage our financial affairs. It is however possible to ensure that in the event of you being unable to deal with your financial affairs that somebody you trust is appointed to deal with these mattes. It is possible to prepare a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to appoint someone committed to looking after your best interests. An LPA is a legal document that enables someone to appoint one or more persons to manage their financial affairs either now or in the future. An LPA can be prepared in relation to your financial affairs and also in relation to your personal welfare / healthcare. Contact us for further details.
General Power Of Attorney
It is possible to prepare a document enabling another person to deal with your financial affairs. If you wish to appoint someone to deal with a specific matter or for a specific period for example if you are going on holiday and wish to give someone authority to make decisions regarding your home then a general power of attorney can be prepared to cover this situation. A General Power of Attorney can be prepared for around £150 plus VAT, please contact us for further details. Please note that a General Power of Attorney will cease in the event of the person making the power losing capacity. If you wish the power of attorney to continue even if you do not have capacity then the Lasting Power of attorney described below is more suitable.