our process
By making a will you can decide what happens to your property and possessions after your death. Although you do not have to make one by law, it is the best way to make sure your estate is passed on to family and friends exactly as you wish. If you die without a will, your assets may be distributed according to the law rather than your wishes.

Why make a will?
A will sets out who is to benefit from your property and possessions after your death. There are many good reasons to make a will:
Step 1
you can decide how your assets are shared – if you don’t have a will, the law says who gets what and this may not necessary be what you want
Step 2
if you’re an unmarried couple (whether or not it’s a same-sex relationship), you can make sure your partner is provide for. If you are an unmarried couple and do not make a will then the surviving one will not automatically inherit any assets on the death of the first one.
Step 3
you can make sure you don’t pay more Inheritance Tax than necessary.
Preparing a will
Whether you require a straight forward a will or a complex document, we are able to assist you. We can also advise you as to whether your estate would have to pay any inheritance tax on your death and if you wish we can advise as to whether this tax can be minimized.
What should be included in your will?
Before you write your will, it’s a good idea to think about what you want included in your will. You should consider:
- how much money and what property and possessions you have
- who you want to benefit from your will
- who should look after any children under 18 years of age
- who is going to sort out your estate and carry out your wishes after your death – that is your executor
An executor is the person responsible with passing on your estate. You can appoint an executor by naming them in your will.
Making your will
If you wish us to draft will for you then we will be pleased to assist. Straightforward wills are priced at £200 plus VAT for a single will or £300 plus VAT for a couple requiring mirror wills.
Free Wills service and Cancer Research Wills

We also offer free Wills service and Cancer Research Wills, please contact the office to discuss this further.
If you wish us to make a will for you then either contact us for a suitable appointment. Appointments are occasionally available on the same day. If you are unable to make it into any of our offices then we will be pleased to visit you at your home if this is more convenient.
If for any reason you or a loved one requires a will urgently then this is possible, we suggest that you contact us explaining the urgency and we will then ensure that we prepare your will and see you as quickly as possible.
Keeping your will safe
Once you’ve made your will, it is important to keep it in a safe place and tell your executor, close friend or relative where it is. If we make your will then as part of the service we are able to keep your will in our safe free of charge.
Updating your will
You should review your will every five years and after any major change in your life – such as getting separated, married or divorced, having a child or moving house. Any change must be by ‘codicil’ (an addition, amendment or supplement to a will) or by making a new will. If you have already made a will with us then the costs of amending your existing will will usually by a fixed price of £80 plus VAT.
Living wills
A living Will is a statement expressing your views on how you would or would not like to be treated if you are unable to make decisions about your medical treatment yourself at the relevant time in the future. We have prepared living wills for clients in the past and this is something which we are finding becoming increasingly popular. If you wish to discuss this further then please do not hesitate to contact us
Age concern have some useful information regarding this issue on their web site